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Many women accross India have Participated in the campaign about the issues of women's health and explained their problems to the Gynaecologists. Many people complained about pain, back pain,irritability, fatigue, general weakness,mood swings, lack of appetite, anaemia,reduced immunity, and dry skin. Many people had even tried expensive treatments without any benefits, and few of them were worried and distrubed about it. The doctor consoled all of them and educated them about the Ayurvedic treatment/tips to their problems. To many of them, the doctor prescribed Ayurvedic "Sacchhi Saheli" syrup and capsules. According to the Gynaecologist, every home should have 'Sachi Saheli' and they should continue to take this medicine so that it will maintain the course naturally. Let us to inform you the benefits of 'Sachi Saheli and how it helps you and provides relief. Prepared from 21 rare herbs, Ayuevedic medical syrup 'Sachi Saheli' is helpful and beneficial in 'those' difficult periods. To give full details- Apple Juice-helps in digestion, cleans livers. Wheat grass-helps in urinary tract infections and in controlling sweating during night. Shatavari-vitamins like A,B,C and zinc found which contains anti-oxidants Bhringraj-Builds the each cells and tissues of the body and keeps them healthy. Ashvagandha-helpful in TB, and weakness. Amla-useful in controlling BP, giddiness, weakness and palpitation. Dates-helps in memory loss. Munnaka-helpful in bloatong. Akarakara-reduces blood loss, cleans the blood, and reduces swelling. In addition to many ingredients which help in those tough days. In severe conditions, the usage of' Sacchi Saheli' syrup and capsules together is recommended at least for 30 days.

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